Important Security Update

Dear St. John’s members,

Due to security issues we have encountered the past few weeks, the Security Committee has recommended keeping the Luther Hall glass doors locked for the Wednesday evening Sound Words Academy and other events, including evening services such as the Lenten services. The schedule for unlocking and locking of doors during our Sunday services will not change.

To accommodate entry for those coming to those evening services, we are requesting volunteers to be stationed inside the Luther Hall doors for a period of time prior to those events beginning. To facilitate that we have set up scheduling using the Sign Up Genius. If you are interested, please check on Sign Up Genius link to sign up for vacant spots.

We would like to have at least one person at the door. Your duties are simply to open the door to let people in, it is not intended to be “security” duties.

For Sound Words, we would like to have someone there at 5 p.m. to let people in for the meal. Once Sound Words begins, those attending can let anyone in that rings the doorbell. Once the 7 p.m. service begins, people will need to come to the main doors to enter the church.

Sign up to Volunteer

Thank you for your understanding and assistance.

Ed Klumpp, Chair

Security Committee