Sunday Classes
Adult Bible Study
St. John’s provides a variety of opportunities for adults to deepen their understanding of Scripture and Lutheran doctrine, in settings that encourage discussion and questions. Every Sunday, adults are invited to meet for Bible study between services at 9:45 in Luther Hall. Some of the studies are topical (e.g., “Why do we practice closed communion?” “What does Scripture teach about predestination?”), while others focus on a book or a section of the Bible (e.g., 1 Corinthians; Genesis). All materials, including Bibles (ESV) and handouts, are provided, but if you’d like to bring your own Bible, please do.

Sunday School
The Sunday School program at St. John’s provides instruction in God’s Word to children age 3 to grade 5. Classes meet every Sunday (including summer) from 9:45-10:45 a.m. in the second-floor classrooms.
The program currently uses curricula from Pax Domini Press. In every monthly newsletter, parents can find a schedule of topics for the coming month, along with selected Bible words that they can discuss with their children at home and help their children commit to heart.
Children in Sunday School learn fundamental lessons and the basics of Bible history as well as songs that they prepare for worship services, the annual Christmas program, and special events. Parents are encouraged to take their children to worship services and Sunday School on a regular basis to help them grow in faith.
Middle and High School Youth
At 9:45 on Sunday morning, middle and high school youth are invited to gather together for an hour for Bible class. The middle school class, for students in grades 6-8, reinforces the lessons of catechesis (e.g., the six chief parts of the Small Catechism). The high school class covers a variety of topics aimed at helping youth deepen their understanding of the faith and navigate the challenges of life as young Christians. On occasion, middle and high school youth join the adult study in Luther Hall.