Sound Words Academy

Sound Words Academy offers midweek classes for learners of all ages. The Academy meets every Wednesday evening throughout the school year, with breaks generally coinciding with the USD 501 calendar.

The name of our education night is inspired by the words of 2 Tim. 1:13, “Follow the pattern of the sound words that you have heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.” Every class at Sound Words Academy — from Catechesis to topical Bible studies — is an opportunity to learn more about God’s “pattern of sound words.”

The evening also includes a dinner (optional) at 5:00 p.m. and a service at 7:00 p.m. with one of the evening Offices (Vespers, Evening Prayer, or Compline). Everyone is welcome to attend.


5:00-5:55 p.m.
Dinner in Luther Hall

5:55-6:25 p.m.
Junior Lutherans (Basement)

6:30-6:55 p.m.
Rhythm of Faith Choir (Choir Loft)

5:55-6:55 p.m.
Adult Bible Study (Courtyard)
Youth Catechesis I (Grades 6; Room 201)
Youth Catechesis II (Grades 7-8; Undercroft)

7:00 p.m.
Evening Prayer (Nave; everyone welcome)

Join us for dinner!


Interested in taking a break from a busy week and letting someone else do the cooking? Meals at Sound Words Academy are intended to help you and your family take advantage of Sound Words Academy and make the most of your time. Each week sign up yourself and your family for the dinner using Meal Sign Up—this will help us not over- or under-prepare. We recommend $5/plate at the door, with all proceeds after covering the cost of the meal going to Feed My Starving Children, Crisis Pregnancy Counseling, or Orphan Grain Train. If you plan to join us, please sign up by 11:59 p.m. on the Monday before the dinner..

This Choral Evening Service took place on May 10, 2023 and featured musicians from St. John’s Music Academy, the Rhythm of Faith Choir, and the Kantorei.