Mission Statement

Committed above all to the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, to all the teachings of Scripture, and to the Book of Concord of 1580 as a correct exposition thereof, St. John’s Classical Lutheran School delivers a top-shelf education to qualified students in grades K-5 in matters secular and religious using classical curriculum and methodology.

The school delivers an education in the basics using a curriculum that unapologetically focuses on the best that has been thought, spoken, and written in Western culture and confessional Lutheran theology in an intellectually engaging and challenging manner. Through this education, St. John’s Classical Lutheran School fosters the next generation of confessional Lutherans who, within their God-given vocations, “lead godly lives here in time and there in eternity.” The school thus exercises preferential admission to qualified members of St. John’s Ev. Lutheran Church and other Lutherans.

Wholly owned and operated by St. John’s Ev. Lutheran Church of Topeka, Kansas, the school does not pretend to compete with secular public education on the latter’s terms or with other sectarian models of education on theirs. The school refuses to be regarded as an educational alternative until it has been first countenanced as an entirely different education. As such, the faculty and the students and their families are wholeheartedly devoted to the theological commitments and to the means, goals, and aims of the classical education offered at St. John’s Classical Lutheran School.

Basic Curriculum

The school uses the classical curriculum from Memoria Press along with Saxon Math, Shurley English, among others.

Class Schedule

The school day begins with daily chapel at 8:30. The congregation is encouraged and invited to attend.

Dismissal is at 3:30.

Dress Code

A formal school uniform style is utilized and enforced.

Morning and after school care

Students can be dropped off at 7:30am at Luther Hall and picked up by 4:30 at Luther Hall


Andrea Kosmicki – Lead Teacher – akosmicki@stjlcms.org

Bethany Johnson – Latin and Vocal Music – bjohnson@stjlcms.org

Erin Grass – Instrumental Music, Physical Education, and Art – egrass@stjlcms.org

School Office Phone: 785-224-7883