Sunday Volunteers
Our many volunteers help keep everything running smoothly on busy Sunday mornings. If you’re interested in getting involved with one of the activities below, contact the church office at 785-354-7132.
Liturgical Assistants
High school youth assist with Divine Services as torchbearers, acolytes, and crucifers and help with the Altar Guild.
Assist during services with seating, distribution of bulletins, and gathering of the offering.
Welcome worshipers as they arrive for services.
Sunday Social Hour Helpers
Help set up and serve coffee between services.
Sunday School Teachers
Teach the faith to children for an hour on Sunday mornings.
Altar Guild
Prepare for and clean up after communion, and maintain and change the altar paraments.
Members can sign up to provide flowers for the altar.
Audio Recording
Record services for uploading to the website.
Advent & Lenten Meals
Help with congregational meals that precede most evening services, which are held at 7:00 p.m. during the weeks leading up to Christmas and Easter.

Congregational Breakfasts
On the second Sunday of the month, we gather for breakfast in Luther Hall between Divine Services. Sometimes a group hosts the breakfast, while other times, breakfasts are potluck. Volunteers for set-up and clean-up are always appreciated.