St. John's Women's League/LWML
Serving the Lord with GladnessThe St. John’s Women’s League, associated with the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) of the LCMS, is involved in many service projects for St. John’s and the community and also raises money for missions. The League is divided into two circles, Sarah Circle and Dorcas Circle, which meet monthly for Bible study and fellowship. The Women’s League also holds quarterly meetings of the combined circles with a special project or speaker; all women of the church are invited to attend.
Executive Board | 1st Monday of the month; 4:30 p.m. |
Sarah Circle | 2nd Monday of the month; 6 p.m. |
Dorcas Circle | 2nd Tuesday of the month; 1 p.m. |
Combined Circles | Quarterly |
Topeka Zone Meetings | Twice a year; spring and fall |
The Women’s League holds several special events each year to raise money for missions (see below). They also provide funeral luncheons and receptions (e.g., anniversaries, weddings) on request..
We give thanks to God for the hundreds and hundreds of faithful women who have served their Lord and their parish through the Women’s League and in other ways. To all who still serve today, a big THANK YOU!
National and District Organizations
Annual Events

Christmas Bazaar and Luncheon
Held every December, the Christmas Bazaar and Luncheon raises funds for designated missions and charities. The Courtyard is full of Christmas goods and and treats, including trays and trays of cookies. You can do a little shopping and sit down for a nice meal–all for a good cause!

Bargain and Bake Sale
Held each summer, the Bargain and Bake sale raises funds for missions projects and other designated recipients. St. John’s members can get involved by donating items for the sale, volunteering to help, or shopping!

LWML Sunday
On one Sunday each year, you can expect to see lots of purple and gold (the official colors of the LWML) around church as we observe LWML Sunday. The event provides an opportunity to raise awareness of the activities of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League and to give thanks for the many contributions of this organization to our life together in Christ.